Finned Aluminum Cam Drive Timing Cover
These finned aluminum timing covers feature a beautifully
polished finned finish. These front covers feature a 4-bolt water pump
drive flange and are designed to use the popular magna-flow water
pump found on many V-drive and offshore boats.
Big Block Chevrolet Polished Aluminum Timing Cover With Pump Drive Hole
These covers share the same
great construction as the covers above but with the provision to mount a
cam driven water pump.
Cast Aluminum Cam Drive For 429/460 Ford Timing Cover
If you're planning on building a Big Block Ford
powered V-drive or offshore boat then this is the answer to
your needs. This cast aluminum timing cover allows you
to use the popular magna-flow cam driven water
pump. This cover comes in a satin finish. Note: the
water pump drive is sold separately.
No. |
Description |
620-05303 |
429/460 W/P Cam Drive Timing Cover (Use Gasket #300-17876) |
500-894002 |
429/460 W/P Cam Drive (only) |
Big Block Chevrolet Polished Aluminum Timing Covers
These beautifully polished
cast aluminum timing covers are perfect for any performance engine.
Each cover is CNC machined to provide an excellent seal and their rigid
construction assures your camshaft stays where it should.
Raised Cam Billet Timing Cover For Merlin & 400 Blocks
This all new "billet" aluminum timing cover was
designed to fit the popular raised cam blocks manufactured by
World Products such as the "Merlin" 10-200 block. These
covers allow the use of our specially designed timing chain in
the event that you do not want the extreme expense of a
belt drive timing system.
No. |
Description |
620-14875 |
Merlin Raised Cam Timing Cover (Use Seal #300-16872) |
620-14876 |
Timing Chain Kit |