Salt -Away Stops Corrosion Before It Starts
Originally designed to serve as a Motor Flush for inboard/outboard motors, Salt-Away can be used on any surface where salt is a problem.
Salt-Away is a water-based formula of surface active agents, rust inhibitors, corrosion blockers and other properties which attacks salt crystals and neutralizes their corrosive action.
Salt-Away, mixed with water, washes away the salt then leaves a protective film on the surface to protect it against future salt corrosion. It is easy to apply by using Salt-Away’s special mixer unit for bigger jobs or the ready to use spray bottles for smaller jobs.
Click on the part number to check pricing or place an order.
Salt-Away Quart/Mixer Combo Concebtrate
- Marine Cooling System Motor Flush. Mixer unit required. Removes salt in less than 1 minute
- Exterior wash-down of boats, trailers, personal watercraft, diving, fishing equipment. (Spray nozzle and mixer unit required)
- Leaves protective coating
- No scrubbing necessary
Salt-Away 32 oz. Spray - Ready to Use
- The Salt Away Fisherman’s Friend formula is designed to spray salt off reels, poles, line and guides while you fish
- Safe for use on monofilament line
- Prevents build up on reel
- Leaves no scent in water
- No need to rinse
- Tackle box size
Part No. |
Description |
285-SA32 |
Salt Away 32oz. Spray |
Salt-Away 16 oz. Spray - Ready to Use
- Formulated to remove heavy build up and for maintenance on smaller items
- Excellent on zippers, underwater cameras, pliers, water safe switches, valves, fittings, quick disconnects, regulators
- Rinsing recommended for some applications
Part No. |
Description |
285-SA16 |
Salt Away 16oz. Spray |
Salt-Away Gallon Concentrate Refill
- Refill for Motor Flush and wash down applications
- Excellent to mix with water for immersion applications -
fish hooks, lures, tools, instruments, wet suits, regulators, underwater cameras
- Items will not rust while immersed in Salt Away mixture
Part No. |
Description |
285-SA128 |
Salt-Away Gallon Refill |