About CP Performance

Here at CP Performance, we have literal decades of experience under our belts when it comes to boats. What started as a small, local provider in Santa Rosa, California quickly grew to a nationwide success story. Today, we are recognized as the world’s no.1 supplier of marine performance parts. We’ve shipped every major manufacturer to every major city and have been featured in every major publication. And although talking about our background may make us appear boastful, we acknowledge wholeheartedly that our success is due entirely to you, our customers.
We know you have choice when it comes to who you trust with your boat. You can feel confident that your purchase with CP Performance is a smart decision because our first priority is maximizing savings and minimizing stress for our customers. Any savings we get working with our individual manufacturers we pass immediately onto you, our customers, allowing us to sell all of our products at the greatest value. We also strenuously test all of the products we offer making sure they meet the highest standards. And anytime new technology appears in the market, we are sure to bring it to you so you can have the latest tech first.

But we know that not everyone who comes to us knows exactly what they’re looking for. That’s why we pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service. At CP Performance, we are all boating enthusiasts. Each of our sales representatives knows our catalog of products front and back, and in the instance that they can’t answer your question(s) we have a dedicated team of technicians that most certainly can.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you!