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Marine Engine Cooling Systems, Pumps and Accessories

We've built this guide to help you get a little more information on the parts we offer by organizing the information in an easy to use web guide. Keeping your engine properly cooled will make the difference when it comes to keeping your engine working for years to come. Cooling starts by pulling raw water into the system by the raw water pump. This water is then cycled direct through the engine and exhaust, or is used to cool a fresh-water "closed" cooling system, that keeps raw ocean and lake water from directly cooling the engine, which can help with engine longevity. Accessories like Sea Strainers keep debris from entering your engine increasing its life.

Click on a Category below to get more information:


Engine Flushers
Thermostat Housings
Thru-Hull Fittings
Water Inlets
Water Pickups


EFI Crossovers
Stainless Crossovers
Supercharger Crossovers
Xtreme Series Crossovers

Water Pumps:

Cam Driven Pumps
Circulating Pumps
Crankshaft Pumps
Mercury Sea Pumps
Multi Stage Sea Pumps
Multi-Stage Adapters
Sea Pump Info
Sea Pump Rebuild Kits

Closed Cooling:

Closed Cooling Information and Kits

Sea Strainers:

Intercooler Sand Strainers
Sea Strainers