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Trim Controls, Accessories and Hardware - Controls & Switches

Dual Carbon Fiber Trim Switch Panel Only

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Dual Carbon Fiber Trim Switch Panel Only

724-1102 + Option(s)

  • 3" Wide x 3-1/2" Tall. 
  • Red, White, Translucent or Black, single or double pole Switches available separately. 
  • Panels available in Red, Blue, Purple, Black or Silver Carbon Fiber. 
  • REAL Carbon Fiber, not printed on.

Triple Carbon Fiber Trim Switch Panel Kit

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Triple Carbon Fiber Trim Switch Panel Kit


  • 4" Wide x 3-1/2" Tall.
  • Available with Red, White, Translucent or Black Switches.
  • Panels available in Red, Blue, Purple, Black or Silver Carbon Fiber.
  • REAL Carbon Fiber, not printed on.

Triple Carbon Fiber Trim Switch Panel Only

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Triple Carbon Fiber Trim Switch Panel Only

724-1103 + Option(s)

  • 4" Wide x 3-1/2" Tall. 
  • Red, White, Translucent or Black, single or double pole Switches available separately. 
  • Panels available in Red, Blue, Purple, Black or Silver Carbon Fiber. 
  • REAL Carbon Fiber, not printed on.

Dual Trim Switch Panel

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Dual Trim Switch Panel

137-8258 + Option(s)

  • Panel is Powdercoated Billet Aluminum
  • Two Rocker Switches Mom On / Off / Mom On
  • Measures 3" Wide x 3" Tall, Depth is 1/4"

Foot Operated Trim Switch
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Foot Operated Trim Switch


Floor Mounted Trim Control

The newest safety item in high performance boat accessories. Mounts in floor of the boat allowing the operator to trim engine or outdrives with their foot.

Momentary Trim Switch for Early Hardin, Gaffrig and Livorsi Controls
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Momentary Trim Switch for Early Hardin, Gaffrig and Livorsi Controls


This is a Momentary Trim Switch that will replace worn out switches on Early Hardin, Gaffrig and Livorsi controls.

Mounting Plate for 151-1200 Trim Switch
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Mounting Plate for 151-1200 Trim Switch


Mounting Plate for 151-1200 Trim Switch

Plate and 4 screws for mounting a 151-1200 Trim Switch to most steering wheels.

In-Control Foot Throttle Assembly
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N-Control Foot Trim Replacement Switch


N-Control Foot Trim Replacement Switch

This switch will replace old or worn out switches in N-Control foot trim controls.

Auto Tab Retractor
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Auto Tab Retractor


Auto Retract will move the tabs to their full up position whenever the ignition is switched from ON to OFF.

DriveSync, Dual Drives
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TrimSync - Trim Monitoring and Alignment System


Operating a multi-engine offshore powerboat can be a little overwhelming at times.  That’s probably why offshore racing is the only motorsport that requires two drivers. Most offshore boats have an engine trim button built into the throttle lever handle.  We all know that the drives rarely stay perfectly even using just the BOTH button on the throttles.  Having them offset can impact handling, and can be dangerous at high speeds.  So that after a couple of moves we are all reaching to the dash to try and even them out.  Over and over again.

TrimSync is a patent pending device that monitors the trim for twin and triple engine boats, so when the operator presses the BOTH/ALL button, it will automatically adjust the drives to be in perfect alignment, every time.  You will never have to worry about how accurate your mechanical trim indicators are because TrimSync will always move the slowest drive to match the others.  There are no extra buttons or complicated operating instructions, just push the BOTH button and TrimSync does the rest.

If, for some reason, you want one drive to be at a different trim then push that drive’s trim button and it will move just as it always has. TrimSync will re-align the drive trim the next time you push the BOTH button. Just drive!

NOTE: Please specify when ordering if using Mercury Racing Engines.

DriveSync, Dual Drives, Race Edition, 3 Wires
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TrimSync Race Edition - Trim Monitoring and Alignment System


TrimSync Race Edition+ includes all of the standard TrimSync features AND allows the user to program up to four preset positions that can be recalled with the push of a button. Typically, one preset would be the highest you would ever want to safely trim at speed. Another might be 2°-3° below neutral for when you encounter a wave. Race Edition+ allows you to quickly and safely trim to your “sweet spot” without having to watch the trim indicators or worry about over-trimming at high speeds.

TrimSync Race Edition is also available for trim tab / tunnel tab combinations, which greatly reduces the complexity of coordinating the position of each separately. With up to four presets the user can move the drives and tabs in unison to their individual pre-programmed positions, with a single push of a button. Of course, all presets can be easily overridden by simply pressing any other trim button, just as you would normally do.

NOTE: Please specify when ordering if using Mercury Racing Engines.

NMEA 2000 Software Upgrade For TrimSync
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NMEA 2000 Software Upgrade For TrimSync


NMEA 2000 Software Upgrade For TrimSync

We will upgrade your TrimSync system to NMEA 2000 compatible specifications. Enjoy advanced NMEA 2000 devices and interconnectivity. 

Not Required on Smartcraft equpped boats. 

Note: Must Be Purchased With A TrimSync Product Or Kit

Mayfair Trim Tab Wire Harness Kit
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Mayfair Trim Tab Wire Harness Kit


  • Includes Harnesses needed to wire Mayfair Trim Pumps to the Mayfair Trim Tab Switch.
  • This kit is designed to work with Mayfair Applications only, but can be modified to work with similar hardware.
  • This kit is NOT included with New Trim Tab Kits. (137-8200, 137-8022)
  • Harness is 30' Long.

TrimSync - Diagnostics Kit Add On
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TrimSync - Diagnostics Kit Add On


TrimSync - Diagnostics Kit Add On

MDC Diagnostic Kit for DriveSync and TrimSync systems consists of a USB cable and software to access onboard diagnostics, calibration process and fault codes. Step-by-step instructions and a built-in help command reduce the time and effort in diagnosing trim-related issues. Using a Windows 7 or later laptop you can run diagnostic tests to determine if there is an issue with the senders, wiring, or trim pump, before they become a problem on the water.

While running the boat, DriveSync and TrimSync log multiple types of errors and retain them even if the power is turned off. The Diagnostic kit allows you to access the error logs to assist in troubleshooting trim issues. For example, air in the hydraulic lines, a trim cylinder that is failing, or trim sender issue will be logged as an error letting you know which engine had the issue, and how many times it has occurred.

The Diagnostic Kit also provides a remote support capability (requires Wi-Fi) to assist with setup or troubleshooting.

Note: Must Be Purchased With A TrimSync Product Or Kit

Digital 3-Wire to Analog Trim Gauge Signal Converter Box
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Digital 3-Wire to Analog Trim Gauge Signal Converter Box


This kit will allow you to use a standard trim gauge the reads with an ohm sender with three wire digital trim sender signals. The Adapter will provide power and ground for the sender and then convert the sender signal into a resistive output that that any brand of trim gauge will accept.

Mayfair Trim Tab LED Sender - Gen 2
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Mercury Bravo Trim Sender Kit - Port Side
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Mercury Bravo Trim Sender Kit - Port Side


Non-Standard port side trim sender and mount

Mercury Bravo Trim Sender Kit - Starboard Side
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LED Trim Indicator Adapter for Smartcraft Systems
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LED Trim Indicator Adapter for Smartcraft Systems


Allows the connection of an LED indicator, to any SmartCraft-equipped boat (sterndrives or outboards). The adapter will maintain the isolated PCM grounds and allow normal engine operation (no faults or Guardian modes). With the Adapter you will be able to have the LED indicator and have the trim visible on VesselView or a Garmin/Simrad display. No wires to splice or crimp, it all plugs in to the Mercury harness.

Mercury Gimbal/ Imco SCX 3 Wire Trim Sender
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